Recreatiepark Tusken de Marren
Open Museum Month

Open Museum Month

  • Holiday park by the water
  • Cottages for 2 to 14 people
  • Just 17 km from Sneek


The month of November promises to be one big cultural discovery event across Southwest Friesland. During Open Museum Month, no fewer than 15 museums will open their doors for free throughout all of November, both for residents and tourists staying in Friesland. Combine an overnight stay at Tusken de Marren with Southwest Friesland's art, culture, and nature.  All you have to do is download a voucher here, fill it out and submit it when you visit. The good news: you can do so without limitation.

    Fifteen participating museums
    Southwest Friesland
    November 1 to 30
    Cycling and hiking routes along the museums
    Bus and train campaign for €9.95 euros

Some of the participating museums


Bicycle route | 55.9 km

With the help of this bike route, you will explore 4 of the 15 participating museums in Southwest Friesland. What's more, on this route, you will "get in the boat" three times: the ferries also operate as usual during the weekends in November! You will enjoy a beautiful bike ride along the water of De Geeuw to Sneek, where the Frisian Maritime Museum awaits you. Then you will continue cycling to the charming village of Joure where you will visit Museum Joure and then cycle back via water sports village Langweer to Sneek station for the National Model Railway Museum.

Hiking route | 8.0 km

With the help of this beautiful hiking route, you can discover 4 of the 15 participating museums in Southwest Friesland. From Workum station, you will walk to the center of this Elfsteden town, the historic buildings of museum Warkums Erfskip are well worth a visit. In addition, you can visit the Jopie Huisman Museum in Workum. Then take a beautiful stroll along the locks and over the dike to Hindeloopen. There, the picturesque Hindeloopen Museum and the First Frisian Ice Skating Museum await you.

Book your overnight stay during Open Museum Month ⤵